Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Going Meatless to Save the Planet

Going Meatless to Save the Planet


on the verge said...

"In fact, a red-meat-eater in a Prius is probably hurting the environment more than a vegan in a Hummer." -- now that is a dramatic statement.

But it's also important to note that overfishing is a serious problem -- just check out Al Gore's latest slide show at TED: http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/al_gore_s_new_thinking_on_the_climate_crisis.html

Thankfully, the Monterrey Bay Aquarium has created free, downloadable pocket guides to help we fish-eaters choose fish in higher populations: http://www.mbayaq.org/cr/cr_seafoodwatch/download.asp

(Basically, stay away from most salmon, tuna, Chilean sea bass, and shrimp. Or, better yet, go full-on veggie.)

Michael said...

Totally agreed re: overfishing of large fish. I read an article a while back (need to track it down!) that described how overfishing could hit a tipping point whereby large parts of the ocean's ecosystem could eventually collapse in a domino effect.