Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Be Good and Eat Your Vegetables

All right, I'm just gonna say it: We eat way too much meat and dairy in this country. Yes, this is partly due to population growth, partly due to the fact that third world countries can now afford to import our food products, and partly due to the number of fast food outlets and pre-prepared meal options that have become so popular over the past 30 years. But whatever the cause, we can no longer sustain our current rate of consumption. It's time to cut back, people! That's all I'm saying. It's bad enough that farm animals are confined to inhumanely tight spaces and suffer brutal conditions, but even stories of farm animal waste contaminating local water supplies have become somewhat commonplace. Worse yet, it's gotten so bad that giant factory farms are even polluting our nation's air quality -- and I'm not just talking about the methane produced by farting cows. This has just gotten out of hand, as I'm sure you'll agree. Check out this video in promotion of Prop 2 produced by the Humane Society and you'll see what I mean.

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